2022年10月,麟洁技术总监黄伟合博士与项目主任张晓帆先生协同在Behavior Analysis in Practice(应为分析的实践)期刊中发表了名为Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis in China: A Review of 20 Years of Research论文。论文中,作者们讨论了西方国家70多年的应用行为分析发展历程,从1968年Baer et al.到1978年的Wolf到1991年的Schwartz and Baer,剖析了那时西方国家的业内研究的重点。这里提到,黄伟合博士与张晓帆先生对Baer et al.(1968)的译著也已发表在Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis(应用行为分析期刊)的期刊上。




Baer, D. M., Wolf, M. M., & Risley, T. R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis.Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 91–97. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba. 1968.1-91 

Huang, W., Lee, G., & Zhang, X. (2022) Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis in China: A reflection of twenty-years of research. Behavior Analysis in Practice. DOI: 10.1007/s40617-022-00751-3.

Schwartz, I. S., & Baer, D. M. (1991). Social validity assessments: Is current practice state of the art? Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24(2), 189–204. 

Wolf, M. M. (1978). Social validity: The case for subjective measurement or how applied behavior analysis is finding its heart.Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 11(2), 203–214.